by Barry Herrin | Cybersecurity, Data security, Publications
In today’s digital world, charitable giving can be a click away—but so can the risk of falling victim to scams. Charitable Giving Fraud and Other Online Dangers dives into the emotional tactics cybercriminals use to deceive generous donors, especially in times of...
by Barry Herrin | Cybersecurity, Data security, Privacy
The overbroad and ubiquitous use of the term “disruption” in the technology context, particularly with reference to computer data privacy and security, may backfire among certain audiences. Here’s how to not lose your credibility. As published in the...
by Barry Herrin | Cybersecurity, Data security, Privacy
Printer-friendly PDF By DRI Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Committee and the DRI Center for Law and Public Policy Authors: Stephen E. Reynolds, Ice Miller LLPBarry S. Herrin, Herrin Health Law, PCLeon Ravenna, KAR GlobalLaura C. Fey, Esq., Fey LLC We hope that all of...
by Barry Herrin | Cybersecurity, Data security
Securing personal health information (PHI) can be a meticulous task inside your organization’s firewall. With restrictions now in place forcing teams to work remotely, many for the first time, and with unfamiliar technology, it’s more critical than ever...
by Barry Herrin | Data security
For those of us who are old enough to remember Mr. Blackstone’s Best and Worst Dressed Lists coming out around media-awards season, the concept of the 10 Best or 10 Worst of anything is old hat. ESPN used that for its top sports-plays segment for years, and we...
by Barry Herrin | Cybersecurity, Insurance
In October of 2002, The Economist magazine wrote that “total security was impossible” and that insurance would be how businesses managed the financial aspects of cyber risk. Since then, security attacks have changed and become more deceptive and complex,...